Thursday, November 5, 2015

Practicing Ashtanga

So..... back in March we started Ashtanga Yoga.
With not a lot of yoga experience....ok, hardly any experience.
Bend Ashtanga Yoga was recommended to us after our
 Pilates instructor moved her classes out of town.
If you are unfamiliar with Ashtanga you can read about it HERE
(though there are tons of websites out there this seems to be an easy read)
We have been practicing for 8 months now under the tutelage of
our instructors Julie and Dayna, who are wonderful.
We are now at the point were we are doing the full Primary Series as you start off learning it slowly. Adding more asanas in to your practice as time goes by. I won't say adding more asanas into your practice as you master them because you never master them.
Ashtanga is a 6 day a week early morning practice.
Sunday is the led Primary Series class and Monday - Friday is Mysore style.
Mysore can be a bit weird at first. You are in a room with others doing their practice.
It's not led. You do it at your pace. So the person on the mat next to you might be doing the same series as you but they are at a different place in the series. Folks come and go during Mysore.
It's self practice in a group setting.
But now it's no big deal!

And of course we have gathered some books on Ashtanga...

Mysore at home is always fun!

Check out this short video. 
It's amazing what this man can do. He is practicing the advanced series.

Daffy practices her SitDownAsana

And of course it's fun to practice your Sirsasana in the park

And surely this must be 8-Limbed!

wikipedia link on ashtanga yoga

Our practice is a journey. And where our bodies are today in our practice is the perfect place to be.
Tomorrow they could be in another place, and that will be perfect too.

Julie asked her students to comment on this months Newsletter 'What Ashtanga means to us'
It means many things to us, and I'm sure since we are still new at it what is means will be ever evolving.
With discipline and  focus we practice within our own limitations.
The balance and flow and the movement and stillness of our practice.
We are observant and we concentrate with our directed gaze.
Ending the practice with contentment and inner peace.


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