Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Hub-Bub of Activity!"'

Holy Cow!
It's been a busy week....
sit back... we have lots of pix to show you...

We had last week's agility class...
Daffy learning the Weave Poles

 ...and then running a course...

Then there was some general all purpose cuteness happening around here...

Oh look! A squirrel!

And then there was the #TwoBullsFire
We could see the whole thing from our windows.... very scary. We were lucky that we were not part of the evacuation. Although if the winds had changed direction that might not have been the case.
I'm happy to report that as of today it has been 100% contained!

Daffy on fire watch... you can see the smoke through the window behind her...

This deer was pretty interested in Daffy, but she couldn't be bothered...
We went on a hike at Smith Rock with our friend Theresa
Smith Rock is a spectacular spot.

Theresa, Jim, and Daffy

Daffy with a lot of Central Oregon behind her and the Cascades in the distance.

 Today we had our final agility class.... Daffy did great!

..waiting their turn...

..wait for meeeeeeee.......

Agility is a workout for all concerned

'Treat please'
'all this excitement has worn me out.... nap time!'
We are readying the motorhome for our first adventure since we have moved here. It will be Daffy's first trip. TSK is a seasoned pro.
We will keep you posted on our upcoming road trip!


  1. Oh pawsome so much excitment so glad you are all safe. Xoxo love the pictures pawsome.

  2. Daffy is really becoming a sports doggie :) -Bea

  3. Dana, this is wonderful to see!!! Daffy is brilliant. You & Jim have opened a big new world to her. Ingrid would be so pleased. Thank goodness those fires were contained! Stay safe. XO
