Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our First CamperVan trip!

In a few days we will be embarking on our very first RV trip! And we are pretty excited about it too. We are renting an RV, a Sunseeker with a slide out!
We both have been camping as kids, the whole Coleman lantern and stove thing. The fathers grumbling under their breaths as the tents don't go up right, the cold hard ground in the sleeping bags with the flannel hunting scenes inside...ahhh memories...
But that was long ago, and we are too old for that! What started this idea was while traveling in Mexico with Jim's brother Utley and friend Veronica we met a German couple who had been on the road for 15 months! They had shipped their RV from Germany to Nova Scotia. Drove across Canada, to Alaska, down Montana, the Dakotas, into Mexico. They weren't done yet! It was amazing. And they seemed to be having a good time.
So we thought that might be fun, on a smaller scale of course. So we are packing up the cat (who loves to ride in the car) and the bikes, and heading off to Carmel Valley.
Stay tuned as we post of our meanderings....


  1. I can't wait to read your first post of your first trip with a blog. It's going to be so much fun traveling along with you, Jim and TSK.

  2. Pictures, pictures pictures, post pictures!

  3. We'll be posting pics as we go. Meanwhile check out the photos from recent trips from the sidebar!

  4. The more we read about you, the more we like! Kitty traveling with a dad who is allergic - that will be interesting. Our dad is also allergic but we don't let that stop him from loving us! We're looking forward to reading about your first journey to Carmel. One of our favorite places is the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. I don't think they allow cats in though.

  5. You are going to have quite an adventure and we get to follow you. Yay! I want to see pictures too! :)

  6. Back in for a second time. Just had to see TSK's new page. What a handsome fellow he is. You have been blessed with a "really good cat" and heh as been bless with "really neat staff."

  7. How bootifully romantic to make such a trip! We hope you and da kitty gonna enjoy! X

  8. It's going to be a blast! Have fun and can't wait for the pictures and tales! xo
